Obligation AG Insurance 5.25% ( BE6261254013 ) en EUR

Société émettrice AG Insurance
Prix sur le marché refresh price now   100 %  ⇌ 
Pays  Belgique
Code ISIN  BE6261254013 ( en EUR )
Coupon 5.25% par an ( paiement annuel )
Echéance 17/06/2044

Prospectus brochure de l'obligation AG Insurance BE6261254013 en EUR 5.25%, échéance 17/06/2044

Montant Minimal 100 000 EUR
Montant de l'émission 450 000 000 EUR
Prochain Coupon 18/06/2025 ( Dans 290 jours )
Description détaillée L'Obligation émise par AG Insurance ( Belgique ) , en EUR, avec le code ISIN BE6261254013, paye un coupon de 5.25% par an.
Le paiement des coupons est annuel et la maturité de l'Obligation est le 17/06/2044

Prospectus dated 16 December 2013
AG Insurance SA/NV
(incorporated in Belgium with limited liability)
EUR 450,000,000 Fixed-to-Floating Rate Callable Subordinated Notes due 2044
Issue Price: 100 per cent.
The EUR 450,000,000 Fixed-to-Floating Rate Callable Subordinated Notes due 2044 (the "Notes") will be issued by AG Insurance SA/NV ("AG Insurance" or the "Issuer"). The Notes will
bear interest from (and including) 18 December 2013 (the "Closing Date") to (but excluding) the First Call Date (as defined below) at a rate of 5.25 per cent. per annum, scheduled to be paid
annually in arrear on 18 June in each year commencing on 18 June 2014. Thereafter, unless previously redeemed, the Notes will bear interest at a floating rate of 4.136 per cent. per annum
above the Euro-zone inter-bank offered rate for three-month deposits ("3-month EURIBOR"), scheduled to be paid quarterly in arrear on the interest payment dates falling in March, June,
September and December in each year (each a "Floating Interest Payment Date"), commencing in September 2024.
The terms and conditions of the Notes (the "Conditions", and references herein to a numbered Condition shall be construed accordingly) provide that the Issuer must pay interest in certain
specified circumstances, must defer payment of interest in certain other specified circumstances and, if none of the foregoing circumstances apply, may elect to defer any interest payment at its
sole discretion, all as described in Condition 5. Any deferred interest payments, together with interest thereon, shall, for so long as the same remain unpaid, constitute "Arrears of Interest".
Subject to certain exceptions, the Issuer may pay Arrears of Interest at any time and must pay such Arrears of Interest in certain circumstances described in Condition 5.
The Notes are scheduled to be redeemed on the Interest Payment Date falling in June 2044 (the "Scheduled Maturity Date") or the earliest possible date thereafter on which certain conditions
to redemption set out in the Conditions are met. The holders of the Notes have no right to require the Issuer to redeem the Notes before the Scheduled Maturity Date. The Notes may be
redeemed at the option of the Issuer in whole but not in part on 18 June 2024 (the "First Call Date") or on any Interest Payment Date thereafter at their principal amount, together with any
Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other accrued but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date. If a Deductibility Event, Gross-up Event, Regulatory Event, Rating
Methodology Event or Accounting Event occurs at any time, the Issuer may also elect to redeem the Notes in whole but not in part at their principal amount, in each case together with any
Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other accrued but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date, all as more fully described in and subject to the conditions to redemption set out
in Condition 6. The Issuer shall be required to defer redemption of the Notes in certain circumstances as set out in Condition 6.
The Notes constitute direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the Issuer and, in the event of a Winding-up, claims in respect thereof will rank (i) behind claims in respect of any
unsubordinated indebtedness and payment obligations of the Issuer (including, without limitation, the claims of policyholders of the Issuer), (ii) pari passu and without any preference among
themselves, (iii) at least equally and rateably with claims in respect of any other existing or future direct, unsecured and dated subordinated indebtedness and payment obligations of the Issuer
(other than obligations in respect of Junior Securities) and (iv) in priority to the claims of Junior Creditors (as such terms are defined in the Conditions). In the event of a Winding-up, no
payments will be made under the Notes until the claims of holders of unsubordinated indebtedness and payment obligations shall first have been satisfied in full.
Application has been made to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the "CSSF") in its capacity as competent authority under the Luxembourg Act dated 10 July 2005 relating
to prospectuses for securities (the "Luxembourg Prospectus Law"), for the approval of this prospectus (the "Prospectus") for the purposes of Directive 2003/71/EC, as amended (the
"Prospectus Directive"). This approval cannot be considered as a judgment on, or as any comment on, the merits of the transaction, nor on the situation of the Issuer and the CSSF gives no
undertaking as to the economic and financial soundness of the transaction and the quality or solvency of the Issuer, in line with the provisions of Article 7 (7) of the Luxembourg Prospectus
Law. Application has also been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for the Notes to be admitted to listing on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (the "Official List") and
to be admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange's regulated market. References in this Prospectus to the Notes being "listed" (and all related references) shall mean that the Notes
have been admitted to listing on the Official List and admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange's regulated market. The Luxembourg Stock Exchange's regulated market is a
regulated market for the purposes of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on markets in financial instruments.
The Notes will be issued in denominations of EUR 100,000 in dematerialised form under the Belgian Code of Companies (Code des Sociétés/Wetboek van Vennootschappen) (the "Belgian
Code of Companies") and cannot be physically delivered. The Notes will be represented exclusively by book entries in the records of the X/N securities and cash clearing system operated by
the National Bank of Belgium (the "NBB") or any successor thereto (the "X/N Clearing System" or "NBB System"). Access to the X/N Clearing System is available through those of its
participants whose membership extends to securities such as the Notes. X/N Clearing System participants include certain banks, stockbrokers (sociétés de bourse/beursvennootschappen),
Euroclear Bank SA/NV ("Euroclear") and Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, Luxembourg ("Clearstream, Luxembourg"). Accordingly, the Notes will be eligible to clear through, and
therefore accepted by, Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg and investors can hold their Notes within securities accounts in Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg.
Notes may be held only by, and transferred only to, eligible investors referred to in Article 4 of the Belgian Royal Decree of 26 May 1994 on the deduction of withholding tax ("Eligible
Investors") holding their securities in an exempt securities account that has been opened with a financial institution that is a direct or indirect participant in the X/N Clearing System operated
by the NBB.
The Notes are expected to be unrated as at the Closing Date.
Prospective investors should have regard to the factors described under the section headed "Risk Factors" in this Prospectus.

This Prospectus comprises a prospectus for the purposes of Article 5.3 of Directive 2003/71/EC, as amended
(the "Prospectus Directive") and for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Issuer and its
subsidiaries taken as a whole (the "Group") and the Notes which, according to the particular nature of the
Issuer and the Notes, is necessary to enable investors to make an informed assessment of the assets and
liabilities, financial position, profit and losses and prospects of the Issuer.
The Issuer (the "Responsible Person") accepts responsibility for the information contained in this
Prospectus. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Issuer (which has taken all reasonable care to
ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this Prospectus is in accordance with the facts and
does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
This Prospectus does not constitute an offer of, or an invitation by or on behalf of the Issuer to subscribe or
purchase, any of the Notes. The distribution of this Prospectus and the offering or sale of the Notes in certain
jurisdictions may be restricted by law. Persons into whose possession this Prospectus comes are required by
the Issuer to inform themselves about and to observe any such restrictions. For a description of further
restrictions on offers and sales of Notes and distribution of this Prospectus, see "Subscription and Sale"
No person is or has been authorised to give any information or to make any representation not contained in
this Prospectus and any information or representation not so contained must not be relied upon as having been
authorised by or on behalf of the Issuer.
Neither the delivery of this Prospectus nor any sale made in connection herewith shall, under any
circumstances, create any implication that there has been no change in the affairs of the Issuer since the date
hereof or the date upon which this Prospectus has been most recently amended or supplemented or that there
has been no adverse change in the financial position of the Issuer since the date hereof or the date upon which
this Prospectus has been most recently amended or supplemented or that the information contained in it or
any other information supplied in connection with the Notes is correct as of any time subsequent to the date
on which it is supplied or, if different, the date indicated in the document containing the same.
Neither this Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the Notes is intended to provide
the basis of any credit or other evaluation or should be considered as a recommendation by the Issuer that any
recipient of this Prospectus or any other information supplied in connection with the Notes should purchase
any Notes. Each investor contemplating purchasing any Notes should make its own independent investigation
of the financial condition and affairs, and its own appraisal of the creditworthiness, of the Issuer. Neither this
Prospectus nor any other information supplied in connection with the Notes constitutes an offer or invitation
by or on behalf of the Issuer to any person to subscribe for, or to purchase, any Notes.
The Notes have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities Act") and are subject to U.S. tax law requirements. Subject to certain exceptions, Notes may not
be offered, sold or delivered within the United States or to U.S. persons.
This Prospectus contains various amounts and percentages which have been rounded and, as a result, when
those amounts and percentages are added up, they may not total.
Unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise requires, references to (i) "euro", "EUR" and "" are to
the currency introduced at the start of the third stage of the economic and monetary union pursuant to the
Treaty establishing the European Community, as amended and (ii) "U.S.$" and "U.S. dollars" are to the
lawful currency of the United States of America.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................... iii
SECTION 1 - OVERVIEW OF THE NOTES............................................................................................................ 1
SECTION 2 - RISK FACTORS.................................................................................................................................. 8
SECTION 3 - HISTORICAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION ................................................................................. 35
SECTION 4 - TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NOTES............................................................................... 36
SECTION 5 - CLEARING....................................................................................................................................... 62
SECTION 6 - DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER.................................................................................................... 63
SECTION 7 - USE OF PROCEEDS ........................................................................................................................ 83
SECTION 8 - TAXATION ....................................................................................................................................... 84
SECTION 9 - SUBSCRIPTION AND SALE........................................................................................................... 90
SECTION 10 - GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 91
DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Audited consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer for the financial year ended
31 December 2011...................................................................................................................................................F-2
Audited consolidated annual financial statements of the Issuer for the financial year ended
31 December 2012...............................................................................................................................................F-149
Unaudited interim financial statements of the Issuer for the nine month period ending 30 September 2013......F-290

This overview must be read as an introduction to this Prospectus and any decision to invest in the Notes should be
based on a consideration of this Prospectus as a whole, including the audited consolidated financial statements for
the financial years ended 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2012 as well as the unaudited interim financial
statements for the nine month period ending 30 September 2013 as set out on pages F-1 and following. Words and
expressions defined in "Terms and Conditions of the Notes" (the "Conditions") shall have the same meanings in
this section and references in this overview to a numbered Condition shall be construed accordingly.
AG Insurance SA/NV
Description of the Notes:
EUR 450,000,000 Fixed-to-Floating Rate Callable Subordinated Notes
due 2044 (the "Notes") to be issued by the Issuer on 18 December 2013
(the "Closing Date").
Structuring Agent:
BNP Paribas
BNY Mellon Corporate Trustee Services Limited
Principal Paying Agent, Domiciliary
BNP Paribas Securities Services, Belgium Branch
Agent and Agent Bank:
Status of the Notes:
The Notes constitute direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of
the Issuer (subordinated in the manner set out below) which will at all
times rank pari passu without any preference among themselves.
Subordination of the Notes:
The payment obligations of the Issuer under or arising from the Notes
and the Trust Deed in respect of principal, interest and other amounts
(including, without limitation, Arrears of Interest) in respect of the
Notes, constitute direct, unsecured and subordinated obligations of the
Issuer subordinated in the manner set out below and claims in respect
thereof shall at all times rank in the event of a Winding-up:
behind claims in respect of any unsubordinated
indebtedness and payment obligations of the Issuer
(including, without limitation, the claims of policyholders
of the Issuer);
pari passu and without any preference among themselves;
at least equally and rateably with claims in respect of any
other existing or future direct, unsecured and dated
subordinated indebtedness and payment obligations of the
Issuer (for the avoidance of doubt, other than obligations
in respect of Junior Securities); and
in priority to the claims of Junior Creditors.

Solvency Condition
Except in a Winding-up of the Issuer, all payments in respect of the
Notes are conditional upon the Issuer being solvent at the time for
payment by the Issuer and no amount shall be payable in respect of the
Notes unless and until such time as the Issuer could make such
payment and still be solvent immediately thereafter (the "Solvency
The Issuer will be considered to be solvent if (i) it is able to pay its debts
owed to its creditors (other than Junior Creditors) as they fall due, (ii) its
credit has not been imperilled within the meaning of Article 2 of the
Belgian Law of 8 August 1997 on bankruptcy and (iii) its Assets exceed
its Liabilities (other than Liabilities to persons who are Junior
The scheduled maturity date of the Notes is the Interest Payment Date
falling in June 2044 (the "Scheduled Maturity Date") or the earliest
possible date thereafter in accordance with the Conditions. The holders
of the Notes have no right to require the Issuer to redeem the Notes
before the Scheduled Maturity Date. The Issuer may, however, elect to
redeem the Notes in the circumstances described below.
Issuer's Call Option
Subject as provided under "Deferral of Redemption" below and to the
provisions of Condition 6, the Notes will be redeemable, at the option of
the Issuer, in whole but not in part on 18 June 2024 (the "First Call
Date") or on any Interest Payment Date thereafter at their principal
amount, together with Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other accrued
but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date.
Redemption for Deductibility Event, Gross-up Event, Regulatory Event,
Rating Methodology Event or Accounting Event
Subject to as provided under "Deferral of Redemption" below and to the
provisions of Condition 6, the Issuer may elect to redeem, in whole but
not in part, the Notes upon the occurrence of a Deductibility Event,
Gross-up Event, Regulatory Event, Rating Methodology Event or
Accounting Event at any time at their principal amount, in each case
together with any Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other accrued but
unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date, provided that
any such redemption shall not occur prior to 18 December 2018 if the
existence or exercise of the relevant right of redemption prior to such
date would prevent the Notes from being eligible to be treated as Tier 2
The consent of the Relevant Supervisory Authority to any redemption of
the Notes may be required pursuant to the Applicable Regulations.
Deferral of Redemption:
Deferral of Redemption following a Regulatory Deficiency Event
If a Regulatory Deficiency Event has occurred and is continuing on the
Scheduled Maturity Date or on the date specified in the notice of

redemption pursuant to the Conditions, as the case may be, or a
redemption on such date would itself cause a Regulatory Deficiency
Event to occur, the redemption of the Notes shall be deferred.
In such event, subject (except in the case of (iii) below) to the Solvency
Condition, such Notes shall instead become due for redemption at their
principal amount, together with Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other
accrued but unpaid interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date,
upon the earliest of:
the date falling 10 Business Days after the date the
Regulatory Deficiency Event has ceased (provided that if
on such 10th Business Day a further Regulatory Deficiency
Event has occurred and is continuing or a redemption
would itself cause a Regulatory Deficiency Event to occur,
the provisions of this paragraph shall apply mutatis
mutandis to determine the subsequent date for redemption
of the Notes); or
the date falling 10 Business Days after the Relevant
Supervisory Authority has agreed to the repayment or
redemption of the Notes; or
the Winding-up of the Issuer.
Deferral of Redemption relating only to the Solvency Condition
If a Regulatory Deficiency Event has not occurred but the Issuer is
required to defer redemption of the Notes on the Scheduled Maturity
Date or the date specified in the notice of redemption by the Issuer, as
the case may be, only as a result of the Solvency Condition not being
satisfied at such time or following such payment, such Notes shall
instead become due for redemption, at their principal amount together
with Arrears of Interest (if any) and any other accrued but unpaid
interest up to (but excluding) the redemption date, on the date falling
10 Business Days immediately following the day that the Solvency
Condition is met provided that it continues to be met and a Regulatory
Deficiency Event has not occurred at such deferred date for payment.
See Condition 6.
The deferral of the redemption of the Notes in accordance with the
Conditions will not constitute a default by the Issuer and will not give
Holders or the Trustee any right to accelerate the Notes such that
amounts of principal, interest or Arrears of Interest would become due
and payable on the Notes earlier than otherwise scheduled pursuant to
the Conditions or the Trust Deed.
The Notes will bear interest from (and including) the Closing Date to
(but excluding) the First Call Date at a rate of 5.25 per cent. per annum.
Such interest is scheduled to be paid annually on 18 June in each year,
commencing on 18 June 2014.

Thereafter, the Notes will bear interest at a floating rate equal to 4.136
per cent. per annum (being the sum of the initial credit spread and the
Step-up) above the Euro-zone inter-bank offered rate for three-month
Euro deposits as determined by the Agent Bank on the second TARGET
Business Day prior to the commencement of the relevant Floating Rate
Interest Period. Such interest is scheduled to be paid quarterly in arrear
on the Interest Payment Date falling in March, June, September and
December, commencing in September 2024.
Payment of interest is subject to optional or mandatory deferral as
described below. See Condition 4.
Compulsory Payment of Interest:
The Issuer shall be required to pay accrued interest (and any Arrears of
Interest then outstanding) on each Compulsory Interest Payment Date.
Subject to a Mandatory Interest Deferral Event not having occurred and
being continuing following such Compulsory Interest Payment Date, as
more particularly described below, an Interest Payment Date will be a
Compulsory Interest Payment Date if, in the six month period prior to
such Interest Payment Date, a Compulsory Interest Payment Event has
A "Compulsory Interest Payment Event" means:
any dividend or distribution is declared payable or a
payment is made on any Junior Securities, save where
such dividend, distribution or payment is mandatory in
accordance with the terms and conditions of such Junior
Securities; or
any repurchase, redemption or acquisition by the Issuer or
any of its Subsidiaries of any Junior Securities, save where
the Issuer or, as the case may be, the relevant Subsidiary is
not able to defer, pass or eliminate the payment or other
obligation in respect of such repurchase, redemption or
Interest Deferral:
Optional Deferral of Interest
The Issuer may elect to defer all (but not some only) of any payment of
interest on the Notes which is otherwise scheduled to be paid on any
Optional Interest Payment Date.
Mandatory Deferral of Interest
An Interest Payment shall be deferred mandatorily on an Interest
Payment Date (a "Mandatory Interest Deferral Date") if:
a Regulatory Deficiency Event has occurred and is
continuing at the relevant Interest Payment Date;
the Solvency Condition is not met as at such Interest
Payment Date; or

payment of such Interest Payment would cause a
Regulatory Deficiency Event or would cause the Solvency
Condition not to be met,
(each a "Mandatory Interest Deferral Event"),
provided, however, that if the Relevant Supervisory Authority confirms
in writing to the Issuer that it accepts that interest accrued in respect of
the Notes (or any part thereof) during such Interest Period can be paid
(to the extent that the Relevant Supervisory Authority may provide such
acceptance in accordance with the Applicable Regulations), the relevant
Interest Payment Date will not be a Mandatory Interest Deferral Date in
relation to such interest (or such part thereof) unless the Solvency
Condition is not met.
Arrears of Interest:
If the Issuer elects or is required (whether pursuant to the Solvency
Condition or due to a Mandatory Interest Deferral Event) to defer any
payment of interest, such deferred payment shall itself bear interest at
the prevailing interest rate applicable to the Notes, and such deferred
interest payment and interest thereon shall, for so long as the same
remains unpaid, constitute "Arrears of Interest". See also "Risk Factors
-- Factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the market
risks associated with the Notes -- The Issuer may (except in certain
limited circumstances) elect to, and in certain circumstances must, defer
interest payments on the Notes" for a discussion of the uncertainties
regarding compounding of interest under Belgian law.
Subject to a Mandatory Interest Deferral Event not having occurred and
being continuing, Arrears of Interest may be settled at the option of the
Issuer in whole (or in part) at any time upon notice to the Holders and
the Trustee, and all Arrears of Interest will in any event become due for
payment on the first to occur of the following dates:
the next succeeding Compulsory Interest Payment Date; or
the date on which the Notes are redeemed or repaid in
accordance with the Conditions; or
upon a Winding-up of the Issuer.
Notwithstanding the previous paragraphs, subject to the Issuer having
received consent from the Relevant Supervisory Authority (if and to the
extent required by Applicable Regulations) if a Regulatory Event occurs,
any unpaid Arrears of Interest resulting from any deferral of interest on
an Optional Interest Payment Date shall also fall due and payable on the
date (the "Compulsory Partial Settlement Date") being the later of:
the first Interest Payment Date falling on or after the fifth
anniversary of the relevant Optional Interest Payment Date
on which the relevant Interest Payment was deferred; and
the first Interest Payment Date falling on or after the fifth
anniversary of the date on which the Regulatory Event

If on any Compulsory Partial Settlement Date the Solvency Condition is
not met, such payment of Arrears of Interest shall not fall due until the
date falling 10 Business Days immediately following the day that the
Solvency Condition is met, provided that if on such 10th Business Day
the Solvency Condition is not met or would not be met if the Arrears of
Interest were paid, then the date for such payment shall be the first
following Business Day on which the Solvency Condition is so met and
will continue to be met following payment of such Arrears of Interest.
Non-payment of Arrears of Interest shall not constitute a default by the
Issuer under the Notes or for any other purpose, unless such payment is
required in accordance with Condition 5(f).
Enforcement Events:
If the Issuer defaults (i) for a period of 7 days or more in the payment of
any interest due in respect of the Notes or any of them or (ii) for a period
of 14 days or more in payment of the principal due in respect of the
Notes or any of them, the Trustee may sue for payment when due and
prove or claim in the Winding-up of the Issuer for such payment but
may take no further or other action to enforce, prove or claim for any
such payment. See Condition 12.
The Trustee and the Holders shall have no right to petition for or
institute proceedings for the bankruptcy of the Issuer in Belgium or to
institute equivalent insolvency proceedings (including those equivalent
to a Winding-up) pursuant to any laws in any country in respect of any
default of the Issuer under the Notes or the Trust Deed.
If a Deductibility Event, Gross-up Event, Regulatory Event, Rating
Methodology Event or Accounting Event has occurred and is
continuing, the Issuer (subject to the prior approval of the Relevant
Supervisory Authority (if required pursuant to the then Applicable
Regulations in order for the Notes to qualify as regulatory capital)) may
with the prior agreement of the Trustee modify the terms and conditions
of the Notes (without the consent of the Holders) so that such
Deductibility Event, Gross-up Event, Regulatory Event, Rating
Methodology Event or Accounting Event no longer exists after such
modification. Any such modification to the Notes is conditional on
certain matters set out in the Conditions being satisfied. See
Condition 7.
Additional Amounts:
All payments in respect of the Notes shall be made free and clear of, and
without withholding or deduction for, or on account of, any Taxes of the
Kingdom of Belgium, unless such withholding or deduction is required
by law.
If any such withholding or deduction is made, additional amounts will
be payable by the Issuer subject to certain exceptions as are more fully
described in Condition 11.

The Notes will be issued in dematerialised form under the Belgian Code
of Companies and cannot be physically delivered.
The Notes will be issued in denominations of EUR 100,000.
Governing Law:
The Trust Deed and the Notes and any non-contractual obligations
arising out of or in connection with them are governed by, and shall be
construed in accordance with, English law, save that the provisions
contained in Condition 2 in relation to subordination and waiver of set-
off, Conditions 14(a) and (c) and any matter relating to the
dematerialised form of the Notes and any non-contractual obligations
arising out of the same shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with, Belgian law.
The Notes are expected to be unrated as at the Closing Date.
Listing and Admission to Trading:
Application has been made to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for the
Notes to be admitted to listing on the Official List and to be admitted to
trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange's regulated market.
Selling and Transfer Restrictions:
The United States (see "Subscription and Sale").
Notes may be held only by, and transferred only to, Eligible Investors
holding their securities in an exempt securities account that has been
opened with a financial institution that is a direct or indirect participant
in the X/N Clearing System operated by the NBB.
Use of Proceeds:
The net proceeds of the issue of the Notes will be used in priority by the
Issuer to fully redeem an outstanding subordinated loan to ageas SA/NV
in the amount of EUR 150,000,000. The remaining net proceeds will be
used for general business purposes in order to improve the overall cost
of capital and the Issuer's competitive position.
Risk Factors:
Prospective investors should carefully consider the information set out
in "Risk Factors" in conjunction with the other information contained in
this Prospectus.
Clearing Systems:
The Notes will be represented exclusively by book entries in the records
of the X/N Clearing System operated by the NBB or any successor
thereto. Access to the X/N Clearing System is available through those of
its participants whose membership extends to securities such as the
Notes. X/N Clearing System participants include certain banks,
stockbrokers (sociétés de bourse/beursvennootschappen), Euroclear and
Clearstream, Luxembourg. Accordingly, the Notes will be eligible to
clear through, and therefore accepted by, Euroclear and Clearstream,
Luxembourg and investors can hold their Notes within securities
accounts in Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg.
Common Code:

Document Outline